Sound spells

Заклинания, которые производят звук «субьект» - это точка, из которой звук исходит.

















Regular, Resisted by Will

Wall of Silence





Regular, Resisted by Will

Great Voice

Thunderclap and Voices


Delayed Message

Magery 1, Sense Life and Voices



Magery 1, Garble and Silence



Magery 1, 4 other sound spells



Seeker and Great Voice

Regular, Resisted by spells that block sound


Prerequisite: None
Classes: Regular
Duration and cost: 1 to create 5 seconds of sound; 2 to create a sound that lasts for a full minute; 1 per minute to maintain

Produces any sort of meaningless sound the caster wishes – the drone of an insect, the distant babble of voices, the clatter of something falling, or anything similar. The spell cannot produce loud noise. It requires no concentration once the spell is cast.


Prerequisite: Sound
Classes: Area
Duration: 1 minute
Base Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain

Creates an area of quiet. No one within this area can hear anything, and nothing that happens in this area makes any sound. It is the area that is affected and not the people in it; anyone moving out will be able to speak. Note that an area of silence will prevent spoken spells from working!


Prerequisite: Sound
Classes: Regular
Duration: instant
Base Cost: 2

Produces a single loud sound like an explosion or crash of thunder. The “subject” is the spot the caster chooses as the spell’s center. Outdoors, anyone within 3 yards of this place must make a HT roll or be deafened; anyone deafened may roll vs. HT every hour to recover. In an enclosed area – less than 10 yards in any dimension – increase this distance to 6 yards! The caster makes his roll at HT+2.


Prerequisite: Sound
Classes: Regular
Duration: 1 minute
Base Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain

Produces a meaningful sound – voices, music, etc. – of normal speaking volume. Requires constant concentration on the part of the caster.


Prerequisite: Voices
Classes: Regular; Resisted by Will
Duration: 1 minute
Base Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain

The subject (a living being) can no longer make meaningful sounds; it comes out completely garbled. This spell could make an opposing wizard powerless!

Wall of Silence

Prerequisite: Silence
Classes: Area
Duration: 1 minute
Base Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain

Surrounds the affected area with a wall that sounds will not pass. Those within it cannot hear outside sounds, or be heard by those outside. Casting of spoken spells is unaffected.


Prerequisite: Silence
Classes: Regular, Resisted by Will
Duration: 10 seconds if subject attempted to resist, 1 minute otherwise.
Time to cast: 2 seconds
Base Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain

The subject (an object or living being) can make no sounds, either accidentally or on purpose. Add 3 to the subject’s Stealth skill whenever a roll is necessary, or subtract 5 from the Hearing roll of anyone listening for the subject. This spell can silence an opposing wizard in battle!

Great Voice

Prerequisite: Thunderclap and Voices
Classes: Regular
Duration: 1 minute
Time to cast: 2 seconds
Base Cost: 3 to cast, 1 to maintain

The subject can be heard clearly and distinctly by everyone he can see, even at a great distance. The subject can choose to be heard by only a few chosen targets if he specifies before speaking (those within ordinary earshot will hear him whether he wants it or not, of course). Note that, for instance, one could not cut off the subject’s voice by ducking behind a rock. This spell is widely used by ship captains, military commanders, and public speakers. The sound may become irritatingly loud if the original voice is loud, but will not deafen or cause harm.

Delayed Message

Prerequisite: Magery 1, Sense Life and Voices
Classes: Area
Duration: Until the specified person arrives.
Time to cast: 4 seconds
Cost: 3 per simple sentence – one idea per sentence, cannot be maintained

Creates an oral message, which can be delayed to go off until a certain per- son, specified at casting, arrives in the area. The recipient hears it clearly, regardless of other noise, but nobody else hears it. A Detect Magic spell cast in the area reveals that it contains a delayed message, but only a critical success reveals more. A critical success reveals one of the following (roll ran- domly): the sender, the intended recip- ient, or the words (not any hidden meanings) of the message. This does not count as a “continu- ing spell” – the mage casts it and forgets about it.


Prerequisite: Magery 1, Garble and Silence
Classes: Regular
Duration: As long as eye contact is maintained.
Time to cast: 4 seconds
Cost: 2

Allows the caster and his subject to converse quietly without fear of eaves- dropping, even in a noisy environment (such as a raucous party). Each one will hear the words of the other clear- ly regardless of the surrounding din. Other beings within earshot will hear a meaningless buzz of conversation. Converse resists spells that block sound such as Silence or Noise.


Prerequisite: Magery 1, 4 other sound spells
Classes: Information
Duration: 1 minute
Time to cast: 3 seconds
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain

The caster can hear any conversa- tion that he can see, even at a great distance, or hear through solid objects totaling no more than six feet of thick- ness. He automatically makes all Hearing rolls. This is also a Knowledge spell.


Prerequisite: Seeker and Great Voice
Classes: Regular; Resisted by spells that block sound
Duration: The message travels to the subject at 50 mph. This speed doubles when the casting cost is doubled
Time to cast: 3 seconds
Cost: 1 per 15 seconds of message duration

Send a spoken message to a sub- ject. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). If the caster doesn’t know the subject, he is at -2. If he doesn’t know the subject’s whereabouts, he is also at -5 (a successful Seeker spell will elim- inate this). These penalties may be cumulative. A successful Trace gives a +5 bonus. The subject hears the message clearly and distinctly whatever his sonic surroundings, but nobody else hears it. Silence, Wall of Silence, and Noise will resist the incoming message. This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.