


Acute Hearing


Acute Taste and Smell


Acute Touch


Acute Vision




Animal Empathy






Combat Reflexes


Danger Sense






Enhanced Block


Enhanced Dodge


Enhanced Parry

5 or 10







Hard to Kill


High Pain Threshold


Language Talent



5 за уровень 0, +10/уровень

Night Vision


Perfect Balance


Resistant to Disease


Resistant to Disease II


Resistant to Poison


Talent (Artificer)


Talent (Outdoorsman)


Talent (Smooth Operator)




Acute Senses

  • Acute Hearing

  • Acute Taste and Smell

  • Acute Touch

  • Acute Vision

You have superior senses. Each Acute Sense is a separate advantage that gives +1 per level to all Sense rolls (see …) you make or the GM makes for you – using that one sense.


You can fight or otherwise act equally well with either hand, and never suffer the -4 DX penalty for using the “off” hand (see …). Should some accident befall one of your arms or hands, assume it is the left one.

Animal Empathy

You are unusually talented at reading the motivations of animals. When you meet an animal, the GM rolls against your IQ and tells you what you “feel.” This reveals the beast’s emotional state – friendly, frightened, hostile, hungry, etc. – and whether it is under supernatural control. You may also use your Influence skills (see …) on animals just as you would on sapient beings, which usually ensures a positive reaction.


You subtract five yards from a fall automatically (treat this as an automatic Acrobatics success – don’t check again for it). In addition, a successful DX roll halves damage from any fall (see …). To enjoy these benefits, your limbs must be unbound and your body free to twist as you fall.


You have a natural ability to impress and lead others. Anyone can acquire a semblance of charisma through looks, manners, and intelligence – but real charisma is independent of these things. Each level gives +1 on all reaction rolls made by sapient beings with whom you actively interact (converse, lecture, etc.); +1 to Influence rolls (see Influence Rolls, …); and +1 to Leadership and Public Speaking skills. The GM may rule that your Charisma does not affect members of extremely alien races.

Combat Reflexes

You have extraordinary reactions, and are rarely surprised for more than a moment. You get +1 to all active defense rolls (see …) and +2 to Fright Checks (see …). You never “freeze” in a surprise situation, and get +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental “stun.”

Danger Sense

You can’t depend on it, but sometimes you get this prickly feeling right at the back of your neck, and you know something’s wrong… The GM rolls once against your Perception, secretly, in any situation involving an ambush, impending disaster, or similar hazard. On a success, you get enough of a warning that you can take action. A roll of 3 or 4 means you get a little detail as to the nature of the danger.


Fortune seems to smile on you when you take risks! Any time you take an unnecessary risk (in the GM’s opinion), you get a +1 to all skill rolls. Furthermore, you may reroll any critical failure that occurs during such high-risk behavior.


You have a “feeling” for people. When you first meet someone – or are reunited after an absence – you may ask the GM to roll against your IQ. He will tell you what you “feel” about that person. On a failed IQ roll, he will lie! This talent is excellent for spotting imposters, possession, etc., and for determining the true loyalties of NPCs.

Enhanced Defenses

You are unusually adept at evading attacks! This may be due to careful observation of your foe, focusing chi, or anything else that fits your background. There are three versions: Enhanced Block: You have +1 to your Block score with Shield skill. Enhanced Dodge: You have +1 to your Dodge score. Enhanced Parry: You have +1 to your Parry score. You may take this advantage for bare hands (5 points), for any one Melee Weapon skill (5 points), or for all parries (10 points).


You are difficult to frighten or intimidate! Add your level of Fearlessness to your Will whenever you make a Fright Check or must resist the Intimidation skill (see …) or a supernatural power that induces fear. You also subtract your Fearlessness level from all Intimidation rolls made against you.


Your body is unusually flexible. This advantage comes in two levels: Flexibility: You get +3 on Climbing rolls; on Escape rolls to get free of ropes, handcuffs, and similar restraints. You may ignore up to -3 in penalties for working in close quarters (including many Explosives and Mechanic rolls). Double-Jointed: As above, but more so. You cannot stretch or squeeze yourself abnormally, but any part of your body may bend any way. You get +5 on Climbing, Escape rolls, and on attempts to break free. You may ignore up to -5 in penalties for close quarters.

Hard to Kill

You are incredibly difficult to kill. Each level of Hard to Kill gives +1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below, and on any HT roll where failure means instant death (due to heart failure, poison, etc.). If this bonus makes the difference between success and failure, you collapse, apparently dead (or disabled), but come to in the usual amount of time (see …)

High Pain Threshold

You are as susceptible to injury as anyone else, but you don’t feel it as much. You never suffer a shock penalty when you are injured. In addition, you get +3 on all HT rolls to avoid knockdown and stunning – and if you are tortured physically, you get +3 to resist. The GM may let you roll at Will+3 to ignore pain in other situations.

Language Talent

You have a knack for languages. When you learn a language at a comprehension level above None, you automatically function at the next higher level.


You are magically adept. This advantage comes in levels. You must purchase Magery 0 before buying higher levels of Magery.

Magery 0: This is basic “magical awareness,” a prerequisite for learning magic in most worlds. The GM makes a Sense roll (…) when you first see a magic item, and again when you first touch it. On a success, you intuitively know that the item is macical. A roll of 3 or 4 also tells you whether the magic is helpful or dangerous, and about how strong it is. Those without Magery do not get this roll!

Magery 1+: Higher levels of Magery make it much easier to learn and use magic. Add your Magery to IQ when you learn spells. For instance, if you have IQ 14, Magery 3 lets you learn spells as if you had IQ 17. Add your Magery level to Perception when you roll to sense magic items, and to IQ when you learn Thaumatology skill.

Reduce the time required to learn new spells in play (but not the point cost) by 10% per Magery level, to a minimum of 60% of the usual time at Magery 4. For instance, with Magery 3, you would learn spells in 70% the usual time.

Powerful spells require a minimum level of Magery as a prerequisite, so be sure to skim the Spell List when deciding how much Magery you need. Note that high Magery lets you produce powerful results with even the most basic spells; see Magery and Effect (…). The GM sets the maximum Magery allowed to PCs. Magery 3 is about right for “classic fantasy.”

Night Vision

Your eyes adapt rapidly to darkness. Each level of this ability (maximum nine levels) allows you to ignore -1 in combat or vision penalties due to darkness, provided there is at least some light.

Perfect Balance

You can always keep your footing, no matter how narrow the walking surface (tightrope, ledge, tree limb, etc.), under normal conditions without having to make a die roll. If the surface is wet, slippery, or unstable, you get +6 on all rolls to keep your feet. In combat, you get +4 to DX and DX-based skill rolls to keep your feet or avoid being knocked down. Finally, you get +1 to Acrobatics and Climbing skill.


You are naturally resistant (or even immune) to diseases or poisons. This gives you a bonus on all HT rolls to resist incapacitation or injury from such things. Resistant to Disease: You may take a +3 bonus for 3 points or a +8 bonus for 5. Resistant to Poison: You have a +3 bonus


You have a natural aptitude for a set of closely related skills. “Talents” come in levels, and give a bonus of +1 per level with all affected skills, even for default use. This effectively raises your attribute scores for the purpose of those skills only; thus, this is an inexpensive way to be adept at small class of skills. You may never have more than four levels of a particular Talent. However, overlapping Talents can give skill bonuses (only) in excess of +4. The cost of a Talent depends on the size of the group of skills affected. Some examples: Artificer covers Armoury, Electronics, Repair, Engineer, Mechanic, and others. Outdoorsman covers Camoflage, Naturalist, Navigation, Survival, and Tracking. Smooth Operator covers all Influence skills, as well as Acting, Carousing, Leadership, and Public Speaking. There are many other possibilities! GMs are encouraged to create their own Talents as needed.


You have a naturally clear, resonant, and attractive voice. This gives you +2 with any skill that depends on speaking or singing (with the GM’s approval, of course). You also get +2 on any reaction roll made by someone who can hear your voice.